


爱站权重:PC 百度权重移动 百度移动权重


Founded in 2006 by partners Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu, Neri&Hu Design and Research Office is an inter-disciplinary architectural design practice based in Shanghai. The practice’s burgeoning global portfolio includes commissions ranging from master planning and architecture, to interior design, installation, furniture, product, branding and graphic works. Currently working on projects in many countries, Neri&Hu is composed of multi-cultural staff who speak over 30 different languages. The diversity of the team reinforces a core vision for the practice: to respond to a global worldview incorporating overlapping design disciplines for a new paradigm in architecture.


Neri&Hu’s (如恩)location is purposeful. With Shanghai considered a new global frontier, Neri&Hu is in the immediate center of this contemporary chaos. The city’s cultural, urban, and historic contexts function as a point of departure for design inquiries that span across a wide spectrum of scales. Furthermore, Neri&Hu has expanded the conventional boundaries of practice to include complementary disciplines. A critical probing into the specificities of program, site, function, and history is essential to the creation of rigorous work. Based on research, Neri&Hu anchors its ethos on the dynamic interaction of experience, detail, material, form, and light rather than conforming to a formulaic style.


如恩建筑 (Neri Hu )在世界各地的建筑设计大奖中屡获殊荣:美国Architizer A+年度最佳事务所(2023);美国Architizer A+设计大奖专业评审奖(2022);英国Dezeen年度最佳建筑事务所(2021);荷兰Frame 终身成就奖(2021);美国Architizer A+Firm年度最佳事务所(2021);马德里设计节设计大奖(2020);亚洲最具影响力设计大奖(2020);英国《蓝图》杂志设计奖(2019);意大利《The Plan》杂志设计奖(2018);意大利EDIDA国际设计大奖年度设计师(2017);德国标志性设计奖年度室内设计师(2017);INSIDE国际室内设计节设计大奖(2017);日本《Elle Deco》杂志设计大奖年度设计师(2016); 英国Dezeen年度炙热排行榜(2016);法国巴黎国际时尚家居设计展览会年度亚洲设计师(2015);英国《Wallpaper*》杂志年度设计师(2014);远东建筑奖(2014);美国《室内设计》杂志名人堂(2013);英国《建筑评论》杂志新锐建筑奖(2010);德国红点设计大奖(2010);美国《建筑实录》杂志设计先锋(2009)。

Neri&Hu and their designs have been recognized by a number of prestigious international awards spanning the fields of architecture, interior, product and graphic design: Architizer A+ Awards Firm of the Year (2023); Architizer A+ Awards Jury Winner (2022); Dezeen Awards Architecture Studio of the Year (2021); Frame Lifetime Achievement Award (2021); Architizer A+Firm Awards Best Firm (2021); Madrid Design Festival Awards (2020); Design for Asia Grand Award (2020); Blueprint Overall Award for Design (2019); The Plan Award Overall Winner (2018); ELLE Decor International Design Awards Designers of the Year (2017); ICONIC Awards Interior Designers of the Year (2017); INSIDE: World Festival of Interiors Awards (2017); ELLE Decor Japan Design Awards Designers of the Year (2016); Dezeen Hotlist (2016); Maison&Objet Asia Designers of the Year (2015); Wallpaper* Design Awards Designers of the Year (2014); Far Eastern Architectural Design Award (2014); Interior Design Hall of Fame Induction (2013); Architectural Review Emerging Architecture Award (2010); Red Dot Award (2010); Architectural Record Design Vanguard (2009).


Fuzhou Tea House

Distillery of Distillery


Neri&Hu is composed of multi-cultural staff who speak over 30 different languages. The diversity of the team reinforces a core vision for the practice: to respond to a global worldview incorporating overlapping design disciplines for a new paradigm in architecture.


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